History of First Ladies & Ministers' Wives Summit
The First Ladies and Ministers’ Wives Summit has humble beginnings, though its programming has been top notch and first class. Our desire has been to invite Ministerial Wives of all denominations and ethnicities to come together for fellowship, relaxation, and encouragement. Though we have more to do to bring this vision to total fruition, we have come a long way. We realize we stand on tall shoulders, as ministers’ wives past and present made it their mission to support and encourage other ministers’ wives, such as one we recognize here.
Sis. Dessie Dixon, First Lady of El-Bethel Baptist Church, Fort Washington, MD was the inspiration behind this event. Lady Dessie planned and carried out many Ministerial Wives’ luncheons at the annual Black Church Leadership & Family Conference in Ridgecrest, NC. It was this special calling and untiring work that endeared Sis. Dessie to many across the country, including this inaugural planning committee.
Year One in 2014 was a blessing to many as the theme was “Finishing His Work,” with scripture focus John 4:31-34 NLT. The Reverend Dr. Elaine Flake, First Lady and Co-Pastor of The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral, Jamaica, NY was the main speaker, with Ms. Babbie Mason, award-winning gospel singer, as Praise and Worship Leader. The Summit was held at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast in Norcross, GA (now Peachtree Corners) on Saturday, May 17, 2014. The inaugural planning committee consisted of Min. Jeanette T. Cody, Chairperson; Lady Tabitha Barnette, Lady Maudriella Mason, Lady Dr. Rebecca McMullen, Sis. Carolyn Fountain, and Lady Beverly Pigg. Lady Dessie Dixon attended the inaugural Summit and was recognized with flowers and gifts.
Year Two in 2015, the Summit was moved to October to avoid conflict with spring graduations, and was a tremendous blessing as the theme was “Unity of the Faith” (Ephesians 4:12-13). The Summit was held at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Norcross, GA on Friday evening, October 9, and Saturday morning, October 10. Bishop William L. Sheals is Senior Pastor. Keynote speaker both days was Rev. Dr. Sherry Gaither, Co-Laborer and Leading Lady of Stronghold Christian Church, Lithonia, GA. Praise and worship was led by Talein, award winning artist. A new component was added as Women in Ministry were welcomed to the Summit. Lady Janice Grant-Pierce joined the committee after having attended the inaugural Summit, and helped plan the 2015 event.
Year Three in 2016, the Summit was held on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. Rev. P. L. Redmond, Jr. is Senior Pastor and Sis. Evelyn Redmond is First Lady. Theme for the occasion was “Come unto me… I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Keynote speaker was Judge Penny Brown Reynolds, TV personality, First Lady and Associate Pastor of Midway Missionary Baptist Church, College Park, GA. Praise and Worship was led by Talein, award winning gospel artist. The theme interpretation was provided by Rev. Dr. Billie Cox, Senior Pastor of the historic Macedonia Baptist Church, Conyers, GA. Rev. Dr. Cox has attended each Summit to date.
Year Four in 2017, the Summit was taken back to the Hilton Atlanta Northeast from whence it started, and the theme was “Enlarge Your Vision: Pregnant with Possibilities” (Isaiah 54:1-3 NIV). New in 2017 was a break-out session for Women in Ministry, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Billie Cox. Keynote speaker was again Rev. Dr. Sherry Gaither, Co-Laborer and Leading Lady, Stronghold Christian Church, Lithonia, GA. Praise and Worship was led by Talen, award winning gospel artist. Lady Julie Berry, Ed.D. and Lady Maritza Beckham joined the committee and helped plan the 2017 Summit.
Year Five in 2018 . . .the Summit was held at the Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Decatur, GA on Saturday, October 6, 2018: Rev. Dr. Emory Berry is Senior Pastor, and Dr. Julie Berry is First Lady. The theme was “Grace for the Journey.” This was the fifth Summit, and the number five in Scripture represents grace. Focus scripture was 1 Corinthians 15:10. Keynote speaker for the Summit was Rev. Dr. Khalia J. Williams, First Lady, Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. The breakout leader (Fireside Chat) for Clergy Wives was Rev. Lisa Garmon, First Lady, Word of Faith Love Center, East Point, GA. Women in Ministry breakout leader was Rev. Dr. Billie Cox, Senior Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Conyers, GA. Along with the breakout session for Women in Ministry, a newly created breakout session for Deacons’ Wives was facilitated by Attorney Beverly Lee of the Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Decatur, GA. Back by popular demand to lead Praise and Worship was Talein, award winning gospel artist.
To God be the glory, for such things He has done!
The First Ladies and Ministers’ Wives Fellowship
Rev. Dr. Jeanette T. Cody, Chairperson
Sis. Dessie Dixon, First Lady of El-Bethel Baptist Church, Fort Washington, MD was the inspiration behind this event. Lady Dessie planned and carried out many Ministerial Wives’ luncheons at the annual Black Church Leadership & Family Conference in Ridgecrest, NC. It was this special calling and untiring work that endeared Sis. Dessie to many across the country, including this inaugural planning committee.
Year One in 2014 was a blessing to many as the theme was “Finishing His Work,” with scripture focus John 4:31-34 NLT. The Reverend Dr. Elaine Flake, First Lady and Co-Pastor of The Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral, Jamaica, NY was the main speaker, with Ms. Babbie Mason, award-winning gospel singer, as Praise and Worship Leader. The Summit was held at the Hilton Atlanta Northeast in Norcross, GA (now Peachtree Corners) on Saturday, May 17, 2014. The inaugural planning committee consisted of Min. Jeanette T. Cody, Chairperson; Lady Tabitha Barnette, Lady Maudriella Mason, Lady Dr. Rebecca McMullen, Sis. Carolyn Fountain, and Lady Beverly Pigg. Lady Dessie Dixon attended the inaugural Summit and was recognized with flowers and gifts.
Year Two in 2015, the Summit was moved to October to avoid conflict with spring graduations, and was a tremendous blessing as the theme was “Unity of the Faith” (Ephesians 4:12-13). The Summit was held at Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church, Norcross, GA on Friday evening, October 9, and Saturday morning, October 10. Bishop William L. Sheals is Senior Pastor. Keynote speaker both days was Rev. Dr. Sherry Gaither, Co-Laborer and Leading Lady of Stronghold Christian Church, Lithonia, GA. Praise and worship was led by Talein, award winning artist. A new component was added as Women in Ministry were welcomed to the Summit. Lady Janice Grant-Pierce joined the committee after having attended the inaugural Summit, and helped plan the 2015 event.
Year Three in 2016, the Summit was held on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at New Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. Rev. P. L. Redmond, Jr. is Senior Pastor and Sis. Evelyn Redmond is First Lady. Theme for the occasion was “Come unto me… I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). Keynote speaker was Judge Penny Brown Reynolds, TV personality, First Lady and Associate Pastor of Midway Missionary Baptist Church, College Park, GA. Praise and Worship was led by Talein, award winning gospel artist. The theme interpretation was provided by Rev. Dr. Billie Cox, Senior Pastor of the historic Macedonia Baptist Church, Conyers, GA. Rev. Dr. Cox has attended each Summit to date.
Year Four in 2017, the Summit was taken back to the Hilton Atlanta Northeast from whence it started, and the theme was “Enlarge Your Vision: Pregnant with Possibilities” (Isaiah 54:1-3 NIV). New in 2017 was a break-out session for Women in Ministry, facilitated by Rev. Dr. Billie Cox. Keynote speaker was again Rev. Dr. Sherry Gaither, Co-Laborer and Leading Lady, Stronghold Christian Church, Lithonia, GA. Praise and Worship was led by Talen, award winning gospel artist. Lady Julie Berry, Ed.D. and Lady Maritza Beckham joined the committee and helped plan the 2017 Summit.
Year Five in 2018 . . .the Summit was held at the Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Decatur, GA on Saturday, October 6, 2018: Rev. Dr. Emory Berry is Senior Pastor, and Dr. Julie Berry is First Lady. The theme was “Grace for the Journey.” This was the fifth Summit, and the number five in Scripture represents grace. Focus scripture was 1 Corinthians 15:10. Keynote speaker for the Summit was Rev. Dr. Khalia J. Williams, First Lady, Providence Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA. The breakout leader (Fireside Chat) for Clergy Wives was Rev. Lisa Garmon, First Lady, Word of Faith Love Center, East Point, GA. Women in Ministry breakout leader was Rev. Dr. Billie Cox, Senior Pastor, Macedonia Baptist Church, Conyers, GA. Along with the breakout session for Women in Ministry, a newly created breakout session for Deacons’ Wives was facilitated by Attorney Beverly Lee of the Greenforest Community Baptist Church, Decatur, GA. Back by popular demand to lead Praise and Worship was Talein, award winning gospel artist.
To God be the glory, for such things He has done!
The First Ladies and Ministers’ Wives Fellowship
Rev. Dr. Jeanette T. Cody, Chairperson